· 1 min read
Learn language with DintPlay
Learning a new language could be boring and difficult, but you could always learn something new by watching dramas, movies, or animations, and it is a fun way to learn.
As a DLNA video player on tvOS, DintPlay provide you easy-to-use features for language learning.
Audio-Subtitle pair feature for new language learning
If you are familiar with learning language by watching dramas, some settings in DintPlay may help you make that easier.
DintPlay let you automatically select subtitle based on the audio language code of video.
For a new language you want to learn, let’s say ‘Japanese’. You can setup DintPlay to automatically select Japanese subtitle when watching animations and so on. After sometime, when you get familiar and better on the language, you should watch without subtitle, that is the way to get better and better.
So when you need to learn a 3rd language, say it is ‘Korean’. You can then setup audio-subtitle pair in DintPlay, learn ‘Korean’ with subtitle on, at the same time still enjoying the advanced learning progress for you ‘Japanese’ learning without subtitle.
Please check the docs for more details about the setup: