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Getting Started

Dint-Y2dl is free macOS yt-dlp GUI app for downloading from video websites.

What is yt-dlp

yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes.

It is a command line tool for downloading videos from websites like youtube, twitch…

For more details, please check:

yt-dlp setup in Dint-Y2dl

yt-dlp setup
  • For users who already have yt-dlp installed, Dint-Y2dl will automatically check yt-dlp bin path with which command:
Terminal window
which yt-dlp
  • You can also choose yt-dlp bin path manually in case automatic detection failed.

  • For users new to yt-dlp, you can also install yt-dlp directly in Dint-Y2dl.

Add new download

With yt-dlp setup finished, you can now adding new download tasks with the following methods:

  • Click plus button on toolbar, then click menu New with URL…, and enter the URL of the video. (Shortcut: ⌘+n)
add new download from toolbar
  • Click menu bar icon, then click menu New -> New with URL….

  • Quick drag and shake a link 3 or more times horizontally from the browser directly, a drop area will popup, then drop the link there will start a new download task immediately.